Welcome to the Web Site of Beekeeping Information.org

On this site you will be able to look at,Download and just enjoy many articals  on the subject of Beekeeping from around the world. Not only on the e honey bee but on the many stingless bees and bees from other parts of the world. Please be free to comment and if you like send in for admission any article that you think may be of interest and if relevant will be included.



    This months tips on what is  advisable  to be doing from January to January

General Topics

UK Pollen Charts

Find out which plants  your bees having been bringing in the pollen


The aim of this website is to assist and educate beekeepers, to encourage beekeeping as a hobby, and to promote natural beekeeping methods.   Not affiliated to any Beekeeping Association so you wont get any news from any. Just beekeeping articles.   


 Beekeeping E Books. Please read or download





Royal Jelly   







Lots More E-Books.


Please take a look around our site by scrolling down and clicking on any of the links below or anywhere on the site.  




Plans for Hives and other equipment

For any of you who want to have a go at making your own equipment.

Queen Rearing

Recipes  for Feeds and  Medicines.

Feeds and medicines you can make yourself


Swarm Control methods and Information.

Swarming at best is no good. You lose half your bees and half your honey. The bees that are left are all house bees, so the honey production stops which depending on what time in the season can and lots of times  leaves you with a poor honey crop and mostly nothing at all. You are left with half an hive so its starting all over again in both the new colony and the one you have left. Apart from that if you do not control it you can lose your bees. Its natural  for bees to swarm and you cannot stop it. What you can do is control it, manipulate it and save your bees and honey along with maybe saving lots of bother if they swarm in an unwanted place, like up a tree ofr in next doors garden. If you dont manage to get them its more of less certain they will die out. All in all it is bad beekeeping. In this section of the web site we inlcude way to help you control swarming.


Beginners Stuff General Articles Misc Articles Equipment Downloads Links to other sites Other Web Sites Videos Diseases
and Pests


 Lots More


                                            Beetalks from 2001 up to date.

         Beetalk was started by Blackburn and East Lancashire Beekeepers. Firstly by Ken Preedy and then by Bill Ainsworth aad Arthur Bickerstaffe. It was then taken off the Blackburn and East lancashire site and was taken over by the current editor. Going out 4 times a year it is full of interesting articles from around the UK and the rest of the world. Hope you enjoy reading..

Some Honey Recipes 

                                                           Skin Care Recipes.  

For those of you who would like to have a go at at making your own Bee Skin Care Products. This is the place for you.

Below are some leaflets and tips to help you gain more understanding of your bees and any problems you may have with them. Just click on any of the links. You will then be able to look at them and print them out.

Open Mesh Floors Leaflet Feeding Bees Development of the Egg Basics Beekeeping Manual Handling and Examining Bees
Development of the Egg Replacing Old Comb Making a Nucleus Drone Brood Removal Hive Cleaning
Queen Trapping Shook Swarm Method Wasp Problems Useful Tips Make a solar wax extractor

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